• Election Day
    1. "Liberacion" fans
    2. I'm with "Liberacion"
    3. PAC fans
    4. "Liberacion" girl
    5. Cheering for Liberacion
    6. Activity outside school
    7. Activity outside school
    8. I'm with everybody!
    9. Liberacion helper
    10. Echandi supporters
    11. PAC stand
    12. Merino's party
    13. Merino's stand
    14. Street support
    15. PAC fan truck
    16. Liberacion truck
    17. Waiting for voters
    18. Carrying the Costa Rica flag
    19. PAC party workers
    20. A votar!
    21. Local Escazu party helper
    22. Mother voting
    23. Biblioteca
    24. Inside school
    25. Escuela Republica de Venezuela
    26. Fans
    27. Waiting to vote
    28. View from San Antonio church
    29. Ox Cart
    30. PAC fans
    31. Liberacion propaganda
    32. Yunta de Escazu
    33. Viva Liberacion !
    34. Tamales for sale
    35. Selling mango sele
    36. Young kid takes side
    37. Helper for Oscar Arias
    38. PAC party fans
    39. Voting
    40. Presidential ballot
    41. Voting table members
    42. Guide consulting list
    43. Waiting to vote
    44. Inside school
    45. Inside the voting room
    46. School hallway
    47. Signing after vote
    48. Posing for picture
    49. Consulting the voters list
    50. Voting
    51. Kids help out
    52. "Liberacion" help desk
    53. "Libertario" fans
    54. Activity in front of school

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